IT Confidentiality Agreement

Employee agrees to the following conditions for information technology (IT) access:

  1. Passwords to the company network and other operating systems will not be revealed to anyone in or outside the company. Passwords should be changed at three-month intervals with a unique six digit or greater password.
  2. Network access will be solely for use in conducting [Company Name] business.
  3. Software programs not registered and belonging to [Company Name] will not be installed on any [Company Name] computer or network without the express consent of [Company Name].
  4. No software program owned by [Company Name] will be removed or transferred for any reason from [Company Name] property.
  5. [Company Name] information will not be shown or revealed to anyone outside of [Company Name], without authorization and verification of properly executed non-disclosure agreement.
  6. Employees may access or send information necessary to conduct work at home after hours, as needed, and are bound by the patent and confidential/proprietary information agreement. Upon termination, all copies of information media regarding [Company Name] and its business will be returned to [Company Name] immediately.
  7. The employee understands that any electronic or telephonic system may be monitored when there is a legitimate business purpose. The employee should have no expectation of privacy in using company communication equipment.
  8. Revocation of IT access is at [Company Name]'s discretion.

Employee name (printed): _________________________________________________

Employee signature: _____________________________________________________

Systems administrator name (printed): ________________________________________

Systems administrator signature: ____________________________________________

Authorized IT access: _____________________________________________________