Field 1: Insert the county in which you are bringing the action.
Field 2: Print the Plaintiff's name.
Field 3: Insert the index number assigned to the action.
Field 4: Print the Defendant's name.
Field 5: Insert the state and county in which the Defendant signed this affidavit.
Field 6: Print the Defendant's name.
Field 7: Print the Defendant's address.
Field 8: Defendant must check the appropriate box. The date of service and the grounds for divorce listed on the Summons With Notice or in the Verified Complaint also must be inserted.
Field 9: This section remains unchanged.
Field 10: Check the appropriate box.
Field 11: Check Section 4A if the Defendant waives service of all further papers in the action except for the final Judgment of Divorce. Check Section 4B if the Defendant wants to be served with all papers required to be served. The Defendant may strike any individual documents that the Defendant does not wish to be served with.
Field 12: Strike the italicized words if you are not seeking equitable distribution.
Field 13: Strike section 6a in totality except where Plaintiff requests a divorce by the conversion of a separation agreement as described earlier in these instructions and the marriage was performed by a clergyman, minister or by a leader of the Society for Ethical Culture. Check box 6b if you waive the Plaintiff’s requirement to file the Sworn Statement of Removal of Barriers to Remarriage (Form UD-4).
Field 14: If Defendant is not the custodial parent of the children of the marriage, check Section 7A. If Defendant is the custodial parent of the children of the marriage, check Section 7B and check one of the statements in [boxes (1),(2),(3), or (4)], that applies to your individual situation. One of the four statements must be selected. If (1), (2) or (3) is selected in this Affidavit or in the Affidavit of Plaintiff, then you must check "Applicable" on the opening sentence (Field 8) of Form UD-11 (Judgment of Divorce).
Complete the next section pursuant to D.R.L. section 240 only if there are children under the age of 18 who are subject to the matrimonial action.
Check the appropriate boxes and list any required information.
Field 15: Defendant must sign the document and have it notarized before a notary public.