Letters of Recommendation

LoRs must be uploaded through the ERAS Letter of Recommendation Portal by the LoR Author or their designee. It is your responsibility to follow up with LoR Authors about LoRs.

In this Section:

Creating LoR Entries

You must create a separate LoR entry for each LoR you intend to use during the application season.

Confirming LoR Entries

You must confirm a LoR entry before an associated Letter ID can be generated.

To Confirm LoRs:

    Mark the checkbox for the LoR entry/entries that need to be confirmed.

Downloading Letter Request

The Letter Request Form can be downloaded as a PDF.

Emailing Letter Request

The Letter Request Form can be delivered to LoR Authors via email directly from the MyERAS portal. When you choose to send the form as an email, you will have the ability to send the author a custom message.

Uploading LoRs

The Letter ID contained in the Letter Request Form must be used to upload the associated LoR through the Letter of Recommendation Portal (LoRP).

Note: Letter Request Forms should not be duplicated and distributed to multiple LoR Authors. They are customized for each letter and contain a unique Letter ID that can be used only once.

Assigning LoRs

You may designate the assignment of up to four LoRs to each program.