Free trusted timestamping service for Developer

The combination of our free, lightning-fast, and always-on timestamp service and the easy to use CLI tool, gets you started in a minute.

What means trusted timestamping

Trusted timestamping is the process of securely keeping track of the creation and modification time of a document.

Security here means that no one-not even the owner of the document should be able to change it once it has been recorded provided that the timestamp's integrity is never compromised.

CodeNotary uses its immutable open-source database immudb to provide this service that includes cryptographic verification and immutable data history.

Use cases

This timestamping service provides full immutability for all data ever written and unique data checksum ever stored including its history.

As a trust level comes with the timestamp, you can change your mind over time (unsupport, untrust) without touching the code or binary.

As the complete trust and timestamping history is stored for any digital identity (SHA-256 checksum), you can easily create workflows and decision trees in your CI/CD recipes.

There are plenty of different use cases:

Simply request your API key and get started within a minute! This service is free forever and was built using Open Source!

Notarized assets informations is stored in a tamperproof ledger with cryptographic verification backed by immudb, the immutable database.

Obtain an API Key

To provide access to our timestamping service a valid API Key is required. If you don’t have one yet, simply signup here CodeNotary Timestamp This API Key is bound to your email address and it’s required during vcn login.

Quick start

  1. Installer In case you use Linux or macOS, the quickest start is our install script: bash <(curl -L)
    You can also download the latest release (Windows, Linux, macOS)
  2. Login to
vcn login --lc-host # type in your API key when requested
# or setting the API key

3. Notarize existing digital objects
Once you have an account you can start notarizing digital assets to give them an identity.

vcn n 

4. Authenticate digital objects You can use the command as a starting point.

vcn a 

For detailed command line usage, just run vcn help .

Tip: the timestamping and verification calculates a SHA256, so larger files might take a bit longer depending on your system.


Wildcard support and recursive notarization

It’s also possible to notarize assets using a wildcard pattern.

With --recursive flag the utility can recursively notarize inner directories.

vcn n "*.md" --recursive


Start with the login command. vcn will walk you through login and importing up your secret upon initial use.

vcn login --lc-host

Once your secret is set, you can notarize assets like in the following examples:

vcn notarize 
vcn notarize dir://
vcn notarize docker://
vcn notarize podman://
vcn notarize git://
vcn notarize --hash

Change the asset’s status:

vcn unsupport 
vcn untrust


vcn authenticate 
vcn authenticate dir://
vcn authenticate docker://
vcn authenticate podman://
vcn authenticate git://
vcn authenticate --hash

To output results in json or yaml formats:

vcn authenticate --output=json 
vcn authenticate --output=yaml


Authenticate a Docker image automatically prior to running it

First, you’ll need to pull the image by using:

docker pull hello-world

Then use the below command to put in place an automatic safety check. It allows only verified images to run.

vcn authenticate docker://hello-world && docker run hello-world

If an image was not verified, it will not run and nothing will execute.

Authenticate multiple assets

You can authenticate multiple assets by piping other command outputs into vcn :

ls | xargs -n 1 vcn authenticate

The exit code will be 0 only if all the assets in you other command outputs are verified.

Authenticate by a specific signer

By adding --signerID , you can authenticate that your asset has been signed by a specific SignerID. You can find your own signer id in the output of vcn n or vcn a (Signer).

A SignerID is the signer public address (represented as a 40 hex characters long string prefixed with 0x ).

vcn authenticate --signerID 0x8. docker://hello-world

Authenticate using the asset’s hash

If you want to authenticate an asset using only its hash, you can do so by using the command as shown below:

vcn authenticate --hash fce. 

Unsupport/untrust an asset you do not have anymore

In case you want to unsupport/untrust an asset of yours that you no longer have, you can do so using the asset hash(es) with the following steps below.

First, you’ll need to get the hash of the asset from your CodeNotary Ledger Compliance dashboard or alternatively you can use the vcn list command. Then, in the CLI, use:

vcn untrust --hash 
# or
vcn unsupport --hash

Notarization within automated environments

Simply, set up your environment accordingly using the following commands:

export VCN_LC_API_KEY=Your-API-Key

Once done, you can use vcn in your non-interactive environment using:

vcn login --lc-host
vcn notarize

Add custom metadata when signing assets

The user can upload custom metadata when doing an asset notarization using the --attr option, e.g.:

vcn n --attr Testme=yes --attr project=5 --attr pipeline=test

This command would add the custom asset metadata Testme: yes, project: 5, pipeline: test.

The user can read the metadata back on asset authentication, i.e. using the jq utility:

vcn a -o json | jq .metadata


Inspect has been extended with the addition of new filter: --last , --first , --start and --end . With --last and --first are returned the N first or last respectively.

vcn inspect document.pdf --last 10

With --start and --end it's possible to use a time range filter:

vcn inspect document.pdf --start 2020/10/28-08:00:00 --end 2020/10/28-17:00:00

If no filters are provided, only a maximum of 100 items are returned.

Signer Identifier

It’s possible to filter results by signer identifier:

vcn inspect document.pdf --signerID Cyg. 

Start timestamping everything you trust or you want to prove its existence today or tomorrow