California Health and Safety Code (CALCODE) requires Community Event Sponsors and Temporary Food Facilities (TFF) to obtain an Alameda County Environmental Health Department (ACEHD) permit to operate. Selling or giving away any food or any beverage item requires permitting. Apply for a permit by following the instructions on this webpage. Join our free "INFORMATION SESSION" to learn more on the permitting process.
Click here for more information.
Mobile Food Facilities do not qualify as Temporary Food Facilities.
Fee Exemption
A Sole Proprietor Veteran or a qualified 501 (c) (3) providing humanitarian assistance for the poor, suffering and distressed may request a permit fee exemption. Complete and submit the forms below with your application. If you do not meet the requirements, you will be required to pay the permit fees.
Refund Policy Fifty percent (50%) of the permit fee amount may be refunded upon cancellation of the event or if the application is rejected. Providing justification from you, as the applicant, is required.