Jewish Slang Words

You might have heard Yiddish or Jewish slang without knowing it. You might even have used it without knowing it. These terms have become an everyday part of English language dialogue. Since the English language is always interested in extending its family of words, the charm of Jewish and Yiddish sayings and idioms has proven to be irresistible.
A-M List of Jewish Slang Words
There are a number of Jewish or Yiddish terms considered to be slang. Be a mensch and learn them all!
- baleboste - female homemaker; efficient, effective and in charge of the household
- bubbe - term of endearment for one’s grandmother
- bubeleh - this is a term of endearment for women; technically means little grandmother but is used for women of all ages
- bupkis - nothing, zero, none at all
- chutzpah - extreme self-confidence or audacity; behaving in a way considered nervy or brash
- drek - rubbish, trash, a piece of dirt
- glitch - minor malfunction; originates from Yiddish term for a place that is slippery
- goy - a person who isn’t Jewish
- beppie - a person’s forehead
- klippeh - a naggy, shrewish woman
- klutz - a person who is clumsy
- knadle - means dumpling; used as slang term of endearment for a chubby woman or a child
- kolboynick - Yiddish insult for a person who is a know-it-all
- kvell - having feelings of extreme pride
- kvetch - complaint; a person who complains way too much
- mensch - a good decent or honest person, someone who would be considered to be a stand-up person
- meshugas - something that is nonsense; crazy behavior
- meshuggeneh - a crazy, insane or nonsensical person
- mishpokhe - family (including extended family); a person who is not related but is considered to be like family
N-Z List of Jewish Slang Words
There are more Yiddish slang words than there are letters in the alphabet. No matter what feeling you’d like to express, chances are that there’s a Jewish slang word that will get your point across.
- nosh - a snack (food)
- plotz - to explode with laughter or collapse from exhaustion
- punim - a sweet face
- schlep - to drag or lug something; to move slowly or tediously; a person who is boring or tedious
- schmoe - a stupid or naive person
- schmatte - means a rag used to clean; slang reference to worn out, raggedy clothing
- schmooze - to chat up a person in order to gain some kind of benefit
- schvitz - to perspire or sweat
- schmuck - Yiddish insult for a person who is obnoxious
- shagetz - this is a non-Jewish (gentile) male
- shiksa - this is a non-Jewish (gentile) girl or woman
- shmendrik - a foolish person or nincompoop; someone who is a jerk
- shtick - a person’s particular areas of interest or expertise
- spiel - a long story or speech told in the hopes of persuading listeners to do or buy something
- tachlis - the practicalities of a matter; the basics or bottom line
- tchotchke - trinkets that don’t serve a practical purpose
- tsuris - troubles, woes; things that one finds distressing or aggravating
- tuches - a person’s rear end
- yutzi - this refers to something or someone that is stupid
- zayde - one’s grandfather