No more excuses : be the man God made you to be

"Sometimes hard circumstances in life make it difficult for us to be all that God wants us to be. But Tony Evans urges men to stop looking at these things as excuses and instead see them as challenges and opportunities for success. Looking at men of God throughout the Bible such as Moses, Joseph, and David, Evans challenges men to put down our excuses, stop compromising, and fight to be men of commitment and character. Despite setbacks, failures, and pressures, we can still find purpose, meaning, and direction in life and be the men God calls us to be."--Back cover

Includes bibliographical references (page 306) and index

No more hiding behind the past -- No more feeling worthless -- No more holding back -- No more allowing for immorality -- No more weak leadership -- No more going through the motions -- No more leaving jesus behind -- No more compromising your integrity -- No more sifting through the rubble -- No more second-rate marriages -- No more passive fathering -- No more playing the lone ranger -- No more ownership -- No more clock-punching -- No more business as usual -- No more half-stepping -- No more standing on the sidelines -- No more "loser's limp."


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