All About Hurricanes Resource Packet

Hurricane Worksheets

All About Hurricanes Resource Packet

This 11-page Worksheet Packet is perfect for your unit study on Hurricanes!

All About Hurricanes Worksheets - 14 exclusive hurricane-themed worksheets from Mama

In this Hurricanes Worksheet Packet:

Worksheets are geared towards 1st-3rd Graders.

However, they can easily be used with younger learners (with mom’s help) or possibly even 4th-5th graders.


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Lauren Hill

Lauren Hill is a Christian mom to 5, ages 19 to 7. She homeschools her children in the classical education tradition and is currently in her 15th year of homeschool. She creates engaging worksheets and hands-on printable activities for Preschool and Elementary age children to supplement their daily studies.

Homeschool Classical Education Worksheets Printable Activities

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Reader Interactions


Looks great, Lauren! I’m going to pin it in my New Orleans board on Pinterest! Thank you so much, Susie! 🙂

Hi, I’m new. I’m logged in and trying to download the Hurricane Resource Packet. Can’t seem to find the link:( Could you please help me? Thanks!

Hi Jessica, the Hurricanes Packet is in the Member’s Only Section on my site. Everything on my site is free except this Member’s Section which has all of the resource packets (unit studies and worksheets to go with them).

I am a new member and have logged in and downloaded several of the resource packets. They are fantastic BTW! However, I am having difficulty downloading the Hurricanes resource packet. The only clickable pic is the sample. The other pics of the Hurricane packet are not clickable. Am I missing something? Help please! Thank you!

Problem solved! 🙂

How did you solve that problem Jackie? I am having that problem with all of the packets I have tried so far – the Hurricanes one, the Rocks and Minerals one and the Benjamin Franklin one

Thank you! I used this resource in our Hurricane study recently and have advertised about it on an upcoming blog post. I used the image from your post, I hope that’s okay….if not, please let me know and I will remove it. Thanks for making resources easily available and affordable!

Jennifer, I am so glad it was a great resource for your homeschool! Thanks for such wonderful feedback. Yes, feel free to use the picture as long as it links back to Mama’s Learning Corner. Thank you so much! 🙂


Hurricane Unit Study Resources says:

[…] Hurricane Unit Study Worksheets – Mama’s Learning Corner 14-page set of hurricane-themed worksheets and printables, including links to all needed resources for a hurricane unit study; this is a portion of Mama’s Members Only Area […]

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Hey there! I'm Lauren, Wife and Mama to 5 kiddos ages 18 down to 6, whom we homeschool with a focus on the Lord and a classical approach. I'm so glad you found your way here to Mama's, where you'll find lots of learning ideas! Find out more here!

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Hey there! I’m Lauren, Wife and Mama to 5 kiddos ages 18 down to 6, whom we homeschool with a focus on the Lord and a classical approach. I’m so glad you found your way here to Mama’s, where you’ll find lots of learning ideas!
